Executive Board


The HRDC Board strives to uphold the mission statement of the organization by promoting interest in theater at Harvard, organizing and administering student participation in productions housed in the Loeb Drama Center, and acting as an umbrella organization for Harvard theater by assisting in the production of theatrical works elsewhere on campus.

Please reach out to the relevant board member(s) with any inquiries, or you may reach the entire HRDC board at [email protected].

President: Texaco Texeira-Ramos ’26 (They/She)

Texaco Texeira-Ramos is a junior in Adams concentrating in Art, Film, and Visual Studies with a secondary in Theater, Dance and Media. When they’re not living in the Loeb or the Ag (or Farkas when they’re feeling brave), they can often be found editing in the basement of Sever, galavanting to the Quad with friends, or dropping hot takes on Letterboxd.

DUTIES: The Presidents of the HRDC, in addition to facilitating and coordinating the actions of all other board members, serve as the primary liaison to the A.R.T., OFA, TDM, and Deans of Harvard College.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Co-Vice Presidents: Kiesse Nanor ’26 (She/Her) and Ben Arthurs ’27 (He/Him)

Kiesse is a junior in Leverett studying Economics and Classical Languages & Literatures. Her favorite book is Moby-Dick.

Ben is a sophomore in Pfoho studying Astrophysics. His favorite hobby is refreshing MyHRDC every few seconds during signing period.

DUTIES: The VP coordinates the HRDC productions that occur in Loeb Proscenium every semester. The VP also manages the Board Liaison system and assists the Secretary/Historian with alumni matters.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Treasurer: AJ Yi ‘25.5 (They/Them)

AJ is a junior in Eliot studying Music and Neuroscience. You can find them in the Loeb, napping on the Student Oasis beanbags, or wherever the nearest seat is. You can probably bribe them with a baja blast freeze (no you can’t, but you should give them one anyways).

DUTIES: The Treasurer is in charge of finances for the Loeb Ex and Proscenium, as well as the HRDC budget. If you have a question about reimbursements, allowable items for a budget, or ideas for HRDC purchases, email the treasurer!

CONTACT: [email protected]

Ex Chair: Vader Ritchie ’26 (He/Him)

Vander is a junior in Leverett House studying History and Philosophy. When not acting, you can find him staying up absurdly late hours reading or curled up next to his girlfriend. He is like a dog, very confused but very excited to be here.

DUTIES: The Ex Chair coordinates the HRDC productions that occur in the Experimental Theater of the Loeb every semester.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Tech Chair: Jocelyn Shek ’27 (She/Her)

Jocelyn is a sophomore in Quincy studying Sociology and Statistics. You can probably find her sketching production designs, sending out a when2meet, or admiring birds on campus.

DUTIES: The Tech Chair works to strengthen the tech community on campus by answering questions, directing students towards resources that may help them, and providing advice on design and technical execution for productions in need.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Campus Liaison/Common Casting Chair: Emilija Morkevicius ’28

DUTIES: The Campus Liaison is responsible for the organization and running of Common Casting, and keeps in contact with the different theater groups on campus and with the drama tutors in the houses.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Publicity Chair: Dzifa Ackuayi ’28 (She/Her)

Dzifa is a first year in Canaday planning on studying some combination of Government, Economics, and English or TDM, who knows. In 2025, Dzifa will see Beyoncé perform live. Be very excited for her.

DUTIES: The Publicity Chair releases the weekly HRDC Newsletter, manages the website and social media accounts, and works to plan events to help build community within the Harvard arts scene.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Secretary/Historian: Ria Cuéllar-Koh ’26 (She/Her)

Ria is a Junior in Leverett House jointly concentrating in English and History of Art & Architecture. When she isn’t discovering the meaning of life, you can find her desperately trying to avoid Conflicts of Interest as she reviews productions for The Crimson.

DUTIES: The Secretary/Historian acts as an administrative lead for HRDC documentation, serves as the coordinator of HRDC alumni relations, and serves as the primary liaison between the HRDC and the Harvard Theater Collection.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Social Liaison: J.J. Moore ’26 (She/They)

J.J. Moore is a junior in Cabot House studying Arts, Film, and Visual Studies with a secondary in African American Studies. You can find them on the streets (somewhere) with an old camera and a dream. Outside of filmmaking, they are a dedicated stage manager and film reviewer.

DUTIES: The Social Liaison is in charge of organizing all major social events for the HRDC community. They are also responsible for providing assistance and support to production staffs for the planning of social events on campus.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Resource Coordinator: Sara Rhouate ’26 (She/Her)

Sara is a junior in Adams double concentrating in History of Art and Architecture and East Asian Studies. She is a self-proclaimed custom slack react maker.

DUTIES: The Resource Coordinator is responsible for handling all the HRDC’s property—primarily, any instruments, sound/lighting equipment, props, and costumes owned by the club.

CONTACT: [email protected]


HRDC Board Elections are held annually in November, at an open meeting of the HRDC. Each officer holds their position for one calendar year. New members assume the duties and privileges of office at the beginning of the spring semester.

Anyone who has been involved with a campus production in any way can run for the HRDC Board. Candidates are encouraged to look at the duties and responsibilities of each position (described above and in the HRDC Constitution) and to email current board members to learn more about their perspective office when deciding to run. Candidates for office should nominate themselves by submitting a statement of interest to the current Executive Board at least two days prior to the election. A majority vote by members of the HRDC present at the open meeting determines the elected officers of the HRDC Executive Board. Candidates may be nominated from the floor.